… and now the same effect was got by the many candles in the sparely furnished room, and the uncurtained windows, and the bright mask-like look of faces seen by candlelight. Some weight was taken off them; anything might happen…
― Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

This place is a party and everyone is invited. More than half of the designed space is stuff you might never walk through. But you can smell the bread and see it come out of the oven as you walk by. You can hear the coffee beans spill into the cooling tray through slot windows at the ground - the whole place hums with promise.
Seth Boor was the design lead on this project from the beginning of conceptual design in July 2016 until he formed Boor Projects in January 2018 while the project was well under construction. Seth continues to work with Tartine and their creative partners on multiple ongoing projects that build on the relationship we began with this space.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
36,000 sqft
36,000 sqft
February 2019
February 2019
Howard CDM
Howard CDM
House & Robertson Architects, Alec Bauer - KRBS
House & Robertson Architects, Alec Bauer - KRBS
Seth Boor, Anand Sheth, Megan McGuinn, Stephanie Griffith, Sarah Brengarth
Seth Boor, Anand Sheth, Megan McGuinn, Stephanie Griffith, Sarah Brengarth
~While Principal at Boor Bridges Architecture